Which Tribe Is The Best

Each tribe Romans, Gauls and Teutons have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Teutons are the most aggressive and have the best troop types for an offensive play. Their troops are cheap and fast to train, but their attack power is the weakest compared to the Gaul and Roman.
Because of their cheap price and quick training time, Teutons dominate the early game and are best suited for an aggressive play from the beginning to the end. By end game, Gaul and Roman armies are more powerful than the Teuton army.
Teutons are excellent raiders with 33 percent plunder bonus. This means a Teuton can reach 1/3 into crannies when raiding. The importance of the plunder bonus is probably understated because raiding is such an important part of the early to mid game. Raiding not only steals resources for your own growth, but they also deny the same resource for your opponent’s growth.
A player who raids actively will easily maintain a much higher growth rate than one who does not believe in raiding. My biggest plunder is 325,000 resources in a single raid. For the fastest growth, you need to raid often and Teutons are the best raiders.
Teutons also possess the best offense troops in the game. The clubswinger is in my opinion the best overall unit in the game. If I had to choose to build only one unit type, it would be the clubswinger. Clubswingers are the cheapest unit in the game and have the shortest training time.
Being cheap and fast to build, high traveling speed and a high carrying capacity, and a medium offense capability, the clubswinger is the best attacker in the early game and also the best raider of the game. By mid game, the Teuton Knight takes over raiding roles.
Another important advantage is the Teuton scout. Unlike other tribes, the Teuton scout is trained in the barracks. This is a very important advantage in the early game because the scout is such an important unit. While Gauls and Romans need a stable to train scouts, the Teuton has quick and cheap access to scouts.
The Teuton scout consumes only 1 crop, as opposed to 2 for a Roman and Gaul. This means a Teuton can support twice the number of scouts for the same crop as a Roman or Gaul. If you play as a Roman or Gaul, its a good idea to ask a Teuton to reinforce you with defensive scouts.
The Teuton earth wall is also the toughest among the tribes. Although it has the lowest defense bonus, but it is very difficult to destroy. In contrast, the Roman walls provide the highest defense bonus, but in my opinion it is useless because it is too easily destroyed, therefore negating the defense bonus.
Because of its tough walls, the Teuton is the most suitable tribe to host a World Wonder village.
Lastly, the Teuton merchant has the highest carrying capacity. He can transport 1000 resources per merchant – so a fully upgraded marketplace can transport 20,000 resources per load. When you have upwards of ten villages, you will need to constantly send resources between your network of villages. It gets to a point where the growth of your new villages depends on how fast you can push resources around.
The clerical guide describes the Teuton’s weakness is its weak defense. But the spearman is the best cavalry defender and has the second highest total defense point per unit. He is not a weak defender, but he lacks a strong defense against infantry troops.
The main weakness of the Teuton is probably in the late game. This is not a significant weakness, but I just need to mention that during end game, Gaul and Roman armies are probably more powerful than the Teuton army.
In conclusion, the Teuton’s cheap offensive troops and the 33 percent plunder bonus is in itself enough to make the Teuton a formidable tribe. It is very well suited for an active aggressive player and an active raider.
Since I advocate an offensive play style, then there is no better tribe than the Teuton. This guide is based primarily on my experience as a Teuton.
I’d recommend the Teuton to beginners as well as advanced players.
However, do not play as a Teuton if you don’t intend to raid. They are unsuitable for a defensive play style.


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